最近我的工作是將原來的 VS.Net 2003 Project 升級上 VS.Net 2005,很多問題都解決了,Application Compile 到又 Run 到,但發現所有的 Form 和 UserControl 都不能正常開啟 Design View。
我遇到的問題是:[RefA] VS2005 Designer Issue - WinForms not opening after migrating 提到的,已依照裡面的解決方法做,將有關的 resouce (.resx) 都 Check 過,並成功 Generate 到 YourResourceFileName.Designer.cs,但問題依然存在。
- [RefB] One or more errors encountered while loading the designer
- [RefC] VS2005 Another Desinger Issue - Winforms not opening
- [RefD] FIX: You may receive an error message when you rebuild a solution and try to view a Windows Form in Design view in Visual Studio 2005
- [RefE] VS2005 inherited user control, abstract factory/dependency injection pattern
- [RefE] Designer Fails to Show From after VS 2003 Port - Problem Fixed!!!!!
“It turns out that one of the project wide language resx files (we have four) had a slightly different format than the other project wide language resx files."
我想會不會因為一個 Project Wide 的 resx file 有錯誤,而影響到 Project 內其他無關的 UserControl?
P.S. 及後再出現了 [RefC] [RefD] 提到的 Error,參考內文已有解決方法。
- mobilebilly said...
9:56 下午Congraduation- Matthew Lai said...
2:23 上午謝謝 ^^
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