呢幾日重溫一些舊歌, 聽完 How Can I Tell Her, 再聽 Torn Between Two Lover, 串連起像一個愛情故事, 一個四角的愛情故事, 或者應該可以說是悲劇.

兩個故事, 兩個不忠的人:

一個向新歡表明心跡, 但掙扎著如何向舊愛交待, 他說:
How can I tell her I don't miss her, whenever I'm away
How can I say it's you I think of, every single night and day

另一個掙扎著如何從兩個人之中作出抉擇, 她說:
There's been another man that I've met and I love
But that doesn't mean I love you less

兩首旋律優美的歌, 帶出兩個令人討厭而且拖泥帶水的人.


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